Fischen im Morgennebel (Fishing at dawn) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteAngler am Fluss (Angler at a river) © Ruben van Treeck | zur StartseiteEin ruhiger Morgen auf dem Wasser (A calm morning on the water) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteAuengewässer mit Schilfbewuchs (Backwater with reedbelt) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteInstitut für Binnenfischerei e.V. - Jägerhof (Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur Startseite

Current News

Current News and Notifications

In this section you will find information on the newest research projects at our institute, new co-operations with other institutions and various other important news


IfB enters into co-operation with two Indian universities

In March 2024, our institute signed Memorandi of Understanding with the Universities of Don Bosco in Assam and Manipur in Manipur. More information on the event and future activities can be found in the section About Us - Cooperations, Partners and Networks - Co-operations with India


Titel page of the new Volume 65 of the IfB-publication series in polish language
Volume 65 of the IfB publication series: Development, utilisation and protection of the fish fauna in the Brandenburg Oder now available in Polish language


Thanks to the financial support of the MLUK (Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection of the State of Brandenburg), this important report could be translated and thus made available to our Polish colleagues. The report summarises historical and current fish data on the Oder against the backdrop of planned and ongoing development measures. Therefore it provides documentation on the ecological value of the river landscape as well as a basis for assessing the environmental impact of the Odra river development.

The report is available for download. You can find it in our publication database.

If you require a printed copy, please contact the IfB by email.


River Landscape of the Years 2024/25 is the River Stepenitz (Elbe)

In the context of the "Elblachs 2000" programme launched in the 1990s, the Brandenburg State Angling Association (LAVB) and the IfB started the reintroduction project for salmon and sea trout in the Stepenitz catchment area (Prignitz) in 1998, because this river is not only home to a large number of species that have disappeared in many other places, but is also characterised by a high level of preserved unspoiled nature and water quality.
In order to secure the successes of this project to date, but also to focus more strongly on the existing threats to one of our last intact watercourse systems, and to contribute to the further improvement of water conditions, the German Angling Federation (DAFV), together with the German Naturefriends Association (NFD), selected the Stepenitz as the "River Landscape of the Years 2024/25" on 13 December 2023. 
You can find more information about this on the website of the German Angling Association (Deutscher Angefischerverband e.V.) - in German language only

Harvesting of Salmon eggs

Photo (copyright Fario e.V.): Eggs of the returning salmon are harvested and fertilised at the breeding station of the association "Fario e.V."; in the following spring the Stepenitz is restocked with the juveniles.

The Common River Mussel (or brook mussel, Unio crassus) Project, Brandenburg


In the last week of March 2023 the starting signal was given:

Minister Vogel started a project funded by the EU-Life-Programme, which will take care of the conservation of the Common River Mussel (or brook mussel) populations in Brandenburg over a period of 10 years!

The IfB is involved as a co-operation partner doing various studies and activities; the project is managed by the Brandenburg Nature Conservation Fund Foundation, with the Stuttgart Natural History Museum an additional co-operation partner.

We are very pleased about this success of our team in the Fish and Aquatic Ecology Department, which prepared and obtained the participation in this large project.

Here is the link to the official press release of the Brandenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection.

In May 2023, the new Brandenburg Common River Mussel project actually started and the first work was carried out by IfB staff: more than 300 minnows were released in the Barolder Mühlenfließ. As native host fish species, minnows play a very important role in the life cycle of the endangered brook mussel.
The project-managing foundation NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg has issued a press release on this activity (in German language, only).

Kieseinbau am Rhin - ein Projektvorhaben (Foto: Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg)

New articles in peer-reviewed journals authored by IfB-scientists

EFRE building project successfully completed

"Fischforum am Jägerhof" 2023 - Training event at the Institute

Event review on the twin anniversary celebrations in September 2023: 100 years of Inland Fisheries Research at the "Jägerhof" site and 30 years since the founding of the IfB


Information on research projects with current relevance

(ongoing or completed)

Development of the German Eel population model GEM IIIb


Animal Welfare Index - an analysis tool to assess animal welfare in pikeperch farming


Fish Species Distribution Database - we would welcome your particpation!


Climate Change and Aquaculture


If you are interested in more detailed information on our ongoing or completed projects, please also visit our Publications page, where you can find and download themed issues (on individual topics) and annual reports (on current projects) based on the IfB publication series.

