Angler am Fluss (Angler at a river) © Ruben van Treeck | zur StartseiteInstitut für Binnenfischerei e.V. - Jägerhof (Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteFischen im Morgennebel (Fishing at dawn) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteAuengewässer mit Schilfbewuchs (Backwater with reedbelt) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteEin ruhiger Morgen auf dem Wasser (A calm morning on the water) © Sven Matern | zur Startseite


Anyone visiting the IfB for the first time is impressed by its charming location on Lake Sacrow (spanning around 100-hectares) and the "Jägerhof" ensemble that fits harmoniously into the nature reserve.

The state of Brandenburg has given the Jägerhof to the Institute on a long-term basis within the framework of a contract of use. The prerequisite for this is the exclusive use of the property for fisheries research, with appropriate management.

Modern laboratory capacities and a fish farm with several recirculation systems of different scales enable us to carry out a wide range of research work, especially in the field of fish breeding and husbandry.




Equipment- and holding sheds on the lake


For work on the lakes and flowing waters, various fishing gear and watercraft are available in addition to our vehicle fleet. Finally, rooms for seminars and conferences as well as an extensive specialised library round off the institute's equipment.


Special library of the Institute

The IfB maintains a specialised library with a focus on fisheries and aquatic science topics, supplemented by extensive antiquarian holdings from private libraries and estates. As a reference library with fixed opening hours, it is primarily available to staff, but in principle also to external users.

You can find more information about the IfB specialist library and contact details here.


EFRE construction project at the IfB

Recently, new laboratories were built on the institute grounds with funds from the state, and from the EFRE programme. Information on the building project can be found here (in German language only)


