Auengewässer mit Schilfbewuchs (Backwater with reedbelt) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteEin ruhiger Morgen auf dem Wasser (A calm morning on the water) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteInstitut für Binnenfischerei e.V. - Jägerhof (Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteAngler am Fluss (Angler at a river) © Ruben van Treeck | zur StartseiteFischen im Morgennebel (Fishing at dawn) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur Startseite


Since 1998 we have published the "Schriften des Instituts für Binnenfischerei e.V. Potsdam-Sacrow". Within this series of publications there are, on the one hand, the annual reports of the IfB, in which we present summaries of our work and projects.On the other hand there are themed brochures on our research results from special areas of fisheries (research).


On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), we also produce the "Annual Report on German Inland Fisheries", a detailed account of the inland fisheries sector in Germany.


All IfB-themed brochures and annual reports can be downloaded as PDF files using the search function for IfB publications. However, they are only available in German language. We are excited to be working on English language options for future serials - once this has become reality we will inform you here.


The search for publications function also allows you to find and (partially) gain access to further publications and lectures/presentations by our staff (a red pdf icon in the result list indicates the downloadable documents).


There is another very special publication of our institute available: the fish atlas "Fische in Brandenburg" in book form (German language only), the result of previous fish species distribution database research.

The atlas represents the currently valid inventory of fish species in Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt. If you are interested in this book please contact us via email and we will gladly send you a copy (inside Europe) for the cost of postage only.



