Auengewässer mit Schilfbewuchs (Backwater with reedbelt) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteAngler am Fluss (Angler at a river) © Ruben van Treeck | zur StartseiteEin ruhiger Morgen auf dem Wasser (A calm morning on the water) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteFischen im Morgennebel (Fishing at dawn) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteInstitut für Binnenfischerei e.V. - Jägerhof (Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur Startseite

Bachelor's and Master's Theses Opportunities

The Institute is happy to offer the opportunity to pursue exciting research topics within the framework of Bachelor's or Master's theses. We are in the process of compiling a list of possible topics in the various research areas. Initial project options are listed below.

Practical work and investigations usually take place at the Institute's site and/or at project partners' sites and are supervised by Institute scientists. At the same time, initial supervision by a chair or lecturer at a university or university of applied sciences (e.g. Humboldt University) is necessary.


Current Topic Options:

Inland Fisheries


1. Reproductive success in male pikeperch


Investigations on the influence of body size on broodcare behavior and reproductive success in male pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) using PIT-telemetry

Contact: Rieke Schons, Inland Fisheries



2. Perch growth: Which environmental factors influence the growth of perch in a reservoir-regulated standing water body


Growth is one of the fundamental regulatory mechanisms in fish stock dynamics and has a direct impact on the production of fish biomass and thus on potential yield. For this reason, it is essential to know the environmental factors influencing growth and to understand their mechanisms of action in order to protect fish stocks. This knowledge is alsonecessary for sustainable fisheries management.
Over a period of three years scales, gill covers and length/mass information from perch (N = 300) were collected from a reservoir-regulated standingwater body for age determination. In addition, a variety of abiotic and biotic environmental factors are available for the water body (e.g. availability of prey fish and macroinvertebrates, predators, water levels, trophic and chemical parameters).

Work tasks:
- Preparation of samples (scales and gill covers).
- Age determination on the basis of the prepared samples
- Compilation of available environmental factors
- Analysis of the environmental factors influencing growth.

- Comparative analysis of age determination with the two hard structures used.
- Identification of key environmental factors influencing perch growth

Additional comment:
If the month of September falls within the processing period, it is possible for the student to take their own samples (field work) as part of monitoring carried out by the IfB. This gives the opportunity to expand the existing data set and to gain own experience in sampling fish stocks using multi-mesh gillnets (DIN EN 14757).


Daniel Hühn, Inland Fisheries  Tel. 033201 406 33

Tyrell DeWeber, Inland Fisheries


If you are interested in carrying out one of these projects with us at Lake Sacrow, please contact us.  Other project ideas, suggested by you, are of course also conceivable and welcome. We look forward to receiving your application.



Fisheries Ecology


1. Master's thesis: What are the host fish species of the thick-shelled river mussel in Brandenburg?


Throughout Europe, there are differences between the main host fish species of the thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus). Our LIFE project on the thick-shelled river mussel ( aims to promote the reintroduction and stabilization of individual thick-shelled river mussel populations in Brandenburg. For a successful artificial infestation of the regional fish fauna with mussel glochidia (larvae) it is essential to gain extended knowledge of the local host fish species. As part of the master's thesis, the fish fauna from Brandenburg waters with thick-shelled river mussel stocks will be examined for natural infestations with thick-shelled river mussel glochidia. The project offers the opportunity to accompany the fieldwork, but this is not an obligation. The fish will be examined in the IfB laboratory. An integration of genetic analyses is also conceivable. For the subsequent evaluation of the data, a basic knowledge of the statistical software R is advantageous. In principle, there is the subsequent possibility of writing a scientific publication from the thesis.


2. Bachelor thesis/Master thesis: Investigations of minnow and chub as host fish species of the thick-shelled river mussel 


Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and chub (Squalius cephalus) are two typical host fish species of the thick-shelled river mussel (Unio crassus), although it is still unclear which other fish species play an important role for the thick-shelled river mussel. The survival rate of glochidia over time in minnows and chubs from several waters in Brandenburg is to be investigated as part of several bachelor's theses or a master's thesis. The project offers the opportunity to accompany the fieldwork, but this is not an obligation. The fish will be kept and examined at the IfB. For the subsequent evaluation of the data, a basic knowledge of the statistical software R is advantageous. In principle, there is the subsequent possibility of writing a scientific publication from the work.


Contact: Dr. Sven Matern, Fisheries Ecology, , Tel. 033201 406 69