Fischen im Morgennebel (Fishing at dawn) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteAuengewässer mit Schilfbewuchs (Backwater with reedbelt) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteEin ruhiger Morgen auf dem Wasser (A calm morning on the water) © Sven Matern | zur StartseiteInstitut für Binnenfischerei e.V. - Jägerhof (Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries) © A. Müller-Belecke | zur StartseiteAngler am Fluss (Angler at a river) © Ruben van Treeck | zur Startseite

The Project OderAngeln

The Project OderAngeln is launching its next round of activities!

We need you!!!

The Project OderAngeln - interviewing a participant by the river
For 2024, we are once again looking for anglers to actively participate in the project. We ask for your active support!


Together with you, we would like to make an important contribution to promoting sustainable and future-proof angling on the Oder. By providing your details, you will help to ensure that the interests of angling can be better taken into account in future management - even if you only fish on the Oder infrequently.

The IfB is planning a comprehensive fishing logbook study with anglers who purchase an annual licence for the Oder in 2024. As part of the study, you can choose to document your fishing trips in a printed fishing diary or in an online fishing book for a year for scientific purposes.

The documents will be sent to you free of charge! All data will be analysed anonymously, i.e. never in connection with your name. This guarantees that nobody outside the project team will gain an insight into your personal catches. Great prizes, such as high-quality fishing reels and rods, await you for taking part! It's worth participating!
The study is being conducted on behalf of the IfB by USUMA GmbH, a German market and social research institute based in Berlin. The institute has already accompanied several surveys and catch book studies in the field of angling research in the past. You can register directly for participation via the following web link - or simply use the QR code. On the page you will then find further information on the project objectives and the course of the study. Registration should be completed by the end of 2023, but is also possible at a later date. You can also register for participation by calling the following number:

Register here:


Phone: +49 30 92702815

QR-Code on right 

QR Code for Project OderAngeln


On the weekend of 14th/15th October a citizen science project, "Odertag 2023", took place. Members of the public were fishing along the main arm of the river Oder, on both the Polish and German sides of the river, to collect data on the current fish population in the aftermath of last summer's fish kill. A film broadcast made on the day by the public broadcaster RBB24 can be viewed here (in German language).


The River Oder is a unique fishing area that is known far beyond the borders of Brandenburg. That is why the images of the fish kill in the summer of 2022 were hard to bear for many anglers. Hundreds of tonnes of dead fish of various species had to be salvaged from around 500 kilometres along the river. The actual extent as well as the ecological and economic impact of the fish kill cannot be estimated up to now. It will take years for the fish population to fully recover, which will not only endanger the livelihood of many fishing businesses, but will also affect angling in the long term.

The Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries (IfB) , together with Landesanglerverband Brandenburg e.V. and Landesfischereiverband Brandenburg/Berlin e.V., has therefore launched a multi-year research project: "OderAngeln". It is intended to investigate the effects of fish mortality on angling and to develop and promote sustainable fishing on the Oder in cooperation with anglers. The "OderAngeln" project is financed with funds from the fisheries levy of the state of Brandenburg.

As part of the public participation process, catch data will be collected, which will serve as an important indicator for stock development and recovery. In addition, the social and economic importance of angling will be determined and more strongly incorporated into future management decisions. This will help to ensure not only ecologically sustainable but also economically viable and socially acceptable use of stocks in the future.

All interested anglers can become part of the research project, for example by keeping a catch book or participating in written surveys. The Potsdam Institute of Inland Fisheries will provide more detailed information about the possibilities of participation in the near future, but would like to ask for your attention and active support in this place, already. More information will soon be available here on our IfB website.

